Our Trainings
Our Trainings
At itrainsec we select the most relevant topics in the field of IT Security.
In any of our courses, your team will learn techniques from top industry experts.
At itrainsec we select the most relevant topics in the field of IT Security.
In any of our courses, your team will learn techniques from top industry experts.

Ero Carrera
Software Engineer
Ero Carrera is a former Senior Software Engineer at Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG). He’s been there nearly 10 years building large-scale reverse engineering tooling and intelligence analysis frameworks.
Before joining Google, Ero, together with Pedram Amini, taught a successful malware reverse engineering training course at BlackHat for many years. Ero has also led courses on reverse engineering with zynamics, the home of BinDiff and VxClass. His professional experience, in addition to Google and zynamics, includes time working at F-Secure and VirusTotal.
Ero is also the author of pefile a popular Python module for aiding analysis of the Windows PE file format.

Ero Carrera
Building a modern Threat Intel environment is inconceivable without automation. Find out how to do it properly.